Corns & Callus

What are Corns & Callus?

Corns and calluses are both areas of thickened skin that form on the feet as a response to pressure or friction. Here’s a bit more detail on each:

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Corns are small, cone-shaped areas of thickened skin that develop on toes or between toes.


They typically form due to repeated rubbing or pressure, often from ill-fitting shoes or abnormal foot mechanics.

There are two main types


Calluses are larger, flat patches of thickened skin that develop on weight-bearing areas of the feet, such as the soles and heels.


They are also due to repeated rubbing or pressure, commonly from walking or standing for long periods, or wearing inappropriate footwear.


Calluses serve as a protective barrier to prevent skin injury.

Both conditions can cause discomfort and pain but can often be managed with proper foot care and consulting our team.

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